Story: Senthil is a nathuropathy practicioner who does not believe in allopathic medicine. He strongly believes that food is the best medicine. Senthil loses his wife while delivering their baby…

Story: Ten years after the war in Srilanka, the government uses Eelam people to identify and diffuse the landmines that were planted during the war. A woman leaves her daughter…

Story: Karthik lives a happy life with his wife Madhu and daughter Kavi. Karthik runs a tea factory in Kodaikanal and does not spend much time with his family. Karthik’s…

Story: Harbhajan along with his friend Sathish studies Mechanical Engineering at a Coimbatore college. Losliya joins the department, following which Harbhajan and friends decide not to interact with her. However…

Story: Vijayaraghavan, an IAS aspirant lands in Chennai with a big aim. However, the locality that he finds a home is as unclean as it can get, and Vijayaraghavan starts…