Nadhi movie review


Hero Sam Jones dreams of getting a government job and support his family by participating in the National level Badminton competition.

Kayal Anandhi who is from a family with political and casteist background studies in the same college.

They become friends and slowly their relationship moves to the next level.

Anandhi’s family assume that they both are in love which leads to troubles in Sam’s life. What happens next?

Was Sam able to fulfil his dreams forms the rest of the story.


The movie is produced by Sam Jones who also plays the lead role. He has carried a very demanding role and has done justice to it.

Kayal Anandhi gets a familiar role and delivers her usual performance.

Rest of the cast including Vela Ramamoorthy, Karu Palaniyappan, Muneeshkanth have all done their part well.

Director Thamarai Selvan could have put in more effort in the screenplay department which would have made the movie all the more convincing.

The movie becomes predictable after a point and does not create the intended impact.

Music by Nibunan Thomas is average. MS Prabhu’s camerawork is convincing.

Rating: 3.2/5