Miral movie review


Vani Bhojan gets nightmares for a while and Bharath is also troubled by the same.

Following the advice of those around them, the couple along with their child leave to their hometown to offer prayers to the deity there.

Though they planned to stay there for a couple of days, Bharath gets an urgent work and the family is forced to returing during night.

They get lost in a forest and start encountering horror events. What happens next forms the rest of the story.


The premise of Miral is very interesting and the director Sakthivel packs several thrill elements to keep the audience engaged.

There are enough jump scare moments in the film which have worked out well. The director has also conveyed a social message in the climax.

Bharath and Vani Bhojan have delivered good performances. Bharath carries an intense look throughout with the thought of saving his family. Vani Bhojan does her part well.

The chemistry between the lead pair has worked out well. KS Ravikumar delivers a neat performance.

Prasad SN’s music is one of the major plus points of the movie. Suresh Bala’s camerawork is impressive.

Ratig: 3.3/5