“Veppam Kulir Mazhai” Movie Review
In “Veppam Kulir Mazhai,” the story unfolds around Petha Perumal (portrayed by Dhirav) and Pandi (brought to life by Ismath Banu), a deeply bonded village couple facing the challenge of infertility. Despite their unwavering love, the inability to conceive after half a decade of marriage brings forth societal mockery and strains their domestic bliss, especially under the weight of traditional expectations and familial discord, notably with Pandi’s mother.
Amidst their struggles, a visiting couple from Chennai offers a glimmer of hope, suggesting they explore medical options in the city. Initially hesitant, Petha Perumal leans towards religious remedies, but as societal pressures mount, his mental well-being falters, leading to desperate measures proposed by his mother. Yet, it’s Pandi’s steadfast encouragement that eventually steers them towards considering medical assistance.
The film shines in its authentic portrayal of the couple’s emotional journey, showcasing the raw intensity of their despair, dreams, and evolving relationship dynamics. Dhirav and Ismath Banu deliver performances brimming with sincerity and depth, their on-screen chemistry infusing each moment, particularly in tender romantic sequences.
“Veppam Kulir Mazhai” seamlessly integrates local customs, dialects, and music, immersing viewers in its genuine portrayal of rural life. Prithvi Rajendran’s cinematography and Shankar Rangarajan’s music further elevate the film’s emotional resonance, enriching the viewing experience.
Beyond personal struggles, the film delves into the broader societal challenges and ethical dilemmas faced by infertile couples, urging empathy over judgment. It prompts reflection on the delicate balance between tradition and modernity, and the importance of embracing diverse paths to parenthood.
The film’s technical prowess, spearheaded by director Pascal Vedamuthu, editor Dhirav, and sound designer Anand, Dhirav, Arun, deserves commendation. Noteworthy supporting performances, including Rama’s portrayal of the mother-in-law, deepen the narrative’s impact.
“Veppam Kulir Mazhai” stands as a poignant testament to the resilience of love amidst adversity, offering a heartfelt exploration of the human experience. While occasional melodrama and repetition may be noted, its sincerity and powerful performances make it a truly captivating cinematic experience, with MS Bhaskar’s standout portrayal adding an extra layer of depth to this touching tale.
Cast:-MS Bhaskar, Dhirav, Ismath Banu, Rama, Master Karthikeyan, Dev Habibullah, Vijayalakshmi
Director:-Pascal Vedamuthu