TN reports more than 2,000 cases on Thursday

More than 2,000 cases of Covid were reported in Tamilnadu on Thursday, as 2,069 cases including four imported cases from other countries. The number of cases of Covid in the State reached 34,75,185.

This brings the active cases of Covid in the State to 11,094, with Chennai accounting for the highest of 4,745 active cases.

Chennai daily cases are increasing gradually and 909 cases were reported on Thursday, followed by Chengalpattu that has 352 cases, Thiruvallur reported 100 cases of Covid.

Meanwhile, Coimbatore recorded 96 cases of Covid. The four districts account for more than 70 per cent of the cases of Covid in the State.

As the testing of samples has been increased, as many as 29,524 samples were tested in the past 24 hours in Tamil Nadu, which brings the overall test positivity rate to 7 per cent. Chengalpattu records twice the overall TPR of 14 per cent, followed by 12.9 per cent in Tiruvallur and Chennai has 9 per cent TPR.