Sathya Sodhanai movie review


Premgi Amaren, finds a dead body in a remote location and decides to hand over the person’s gold chain and mobile to the police.

However, upon his arrival at the police station, he is being questioned by the police for more jewels that were supposed to be on the body.

The police do not believe in Premgi Amaren’s true intentions and instead take him into custody.

At one point Premgi escapes from the prison with a walkie talkie that belongs to the cops.

What follows next, who was the dead person, what Pregmi does after that forms the rest of the story.


Director Suresh Sangaiah has took a simple story and has delivered it in an interesting manner.

The entire movie is dependant on the performances of the central characters.

Narration feels disjointed at times and a few scenes drag unnecessarily which is one of the major drawbacks of the movie.

More crispier editing would have enhanced the overal viewing experience of the movie.

Apart from the being genuinely funny, the movie also delivers an relevant social message.

Premgi does a neat job as the protagonist and has played the character well.

He seems to have cut down on his usual antics which has worked out well.

Chithan Mohan who plays the role of a constable has done a neat job and is impressive.

Gnanasambandham as the judge deliveres an effortless performance.

Rest of the cast have done their part well.

Deepan Chakravarthy has done a fine job in the music department.

Rarting: 3.2/5