RS 2000 movie review
Appusamy is a farmer, who becomes a father after several years. The baby becomes ill after a few days, following which he is admitted to the hospital.
Doctor asks Appusamy to buy a few medicines. He withdraws Rs 2000 from an ATM and goes to medicals to buy the medicine.
However, several shopkeeps refuse to take the money as it had something written with pen on it.
Appusamy is not able to bring the medicine on time and his baby dies. He reaches out to advocate Bharathi Krishnakumar to take up his case in the court.
Meanwhile, Bharathi’s assistant Rudhran’s wife is murdered as they had performed intercaste marriage. He files a case against his parents as well.
What is the verdict of these two cases forms the rest of the story.
The movie is written and directed by Rudhran. He has took up two sensitive topics and has presented it well. The team has ocne again recollected the difficulties people faced during the demonetisation.
The honour killing angle adds more emotional value to the subject. With a better screenplay the movie would have been much better.
Bharathi Krishnakumar has delivered an extraordinary performance and keeps the proceedings intact. Rudhran dons an emotional role and has done complete justice to his character.
Karate Venkatesh is terrifying as the public prosecutor.
Music by Iniyavan is passable.
Camerwork by Primose Doss is good.
Rating: 3.2/5