Powder movie review


Powder is a compilation of small stories which are interwoven to form a bigger picture with several twists and turns.

The movie is about how people wear different kinds of masks to hide their actual personality.

There are several plots in the movie. Disappointed with a sitting MLA, a gang tries to kill him so that he does not file his nomination for the next election.

Nikkil Murukan is a cop who is assigned to solve a problem which takes place at the house of the police commissioner.

There is also a story involving Vidya Pradeep where her ex boy friend threatens her before the day of her marriage.

Another plot involves Vaiyapuri and the murder he does for his daughter. How are all these stories connected and what happens to the end of each plot forms the crux of the story.


With multiple plots at hand, director Vijay Shri G has packed the movie with several important messages.

However, he seems to be clear on what he wants to deliver. The screenplay makes sure that the stories are clear and do not confuse the audience.

Nikkil Murukan makes his debut as hero with this flick. He seems to have done his homework for the role and that reflects on screen.

He has made a decent debut and is convincing as a cop. Vaiyapuri has delivered a seasoned performance and is impressive in his role.

Vidya Pradeep has delivered what was expected from her and gets into the skin of her character.

Rest of the cast have also done their part well. Leander Lee Marty has complimented the movie well with his music.

Raja Pandi has captured the proceedings effectively through his camera.

Rating: 3.3/5