No cases of monkeypox yet in TN: Subramanian

State Health Minister Ma Subramanian on Sunday denied reports of monkeypox outbreak in Tamil Nadu.

“No cases of monkeypox have been reported so far. Only speculations are around that an air passenger to Tiruchy from Singapore and a few others in Nagercoil had the disease. However, tests revealed they were not infected. Even two children from Canada and America with rashes on their face tested negative for the infection. Monkeypox has spread in 80 countries,” he told reporters, after chairing a meeting with deans of all government medical college hospitals to review the status of organ donations in Coimbatore.

Further, Subramanian said the state government is transparent on any infections as it would create awareness and help people take preventive steps.

“Intensive screening is done in 13 entry points to Coimbatore from Kerala and passengers at international airports in Tamil Nadu are examined. Though it cannot be ruled out that monkeypox will not come to Tamil Nadu, all necessary preventive steps have been taken,” he said.