NIA releases pictures of 10 Khalistan operatives

The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has released pictures of 10 Khalistan supporters who were allegedly involved in the attack on the Indian consulate in San Francisco.

The Indian consulate in the United States came under attack twice this year, first in March and then again in July.

Seeking the help of the general public in nabbing them, the agency has issued three separate ‘request for identification and information’ notices against the accused, according to news agency PTI. The agency has sought information of importance that could lead to their arrest or apprehension.

While two notices carry photographs of two accused each, the third notice shows pictures of the other six accused in the case. The agency assured people that it would not reveal the identity of anyone sharing information about the accused.

The first attack, which took on the intervening night of March 18 and 19, was carried out allegedly by some Khalistani supporters, who tried to enter the consulate premises and attempted to set it on fire.