Love movie review


Bharat and Vani Bhojan like each other and get married. After a year of leading a happy family life, things don’t go well between the couple.

Bharat loses a lot of money in his business. Initially, Vani Bhojan tolerates the behvaiour of Bharath, but one day Bharat kills her in a fit of rage during an argument.

What does Bharat doe after that forms the rest of the story


Directed by R P Bala, though the movie speaks about an important issue, it also focuses on the ego clash between married couples.

Apart from speaking about domestic violence, the movie has also portrayed about how each hosuehold has its own problems.

The first half of the movie begins in an interesting manner and slowly loses steam as the film progresses.

Bharat has done complete justice to his character. He has understood the role and has delivered a memorable performance.

Vani Bhojan gets a decent role and shines in the scree space that she gets.

The chemistry between the lead pair is one of the biggest strengths of the movie.

Rest of the cast including Radha Ravi, Vivek Prasanna and Dannie have all done their part well.

With most of the movie taking place inside a house, P G Muthaiyah’s camera has captured the proceedings in an interesting manner.

Ronnie Raphael’s background score gels well with the them of the movie.

Rating: 3.2/5