Kudimahaan movie review


Vijay Sivan is a teetotaler working in an agency which is in the business of filling currency notes at ATM. He lives with his wife and two children.

His father Suresh Chakravarthy is a drunkard. Soon Vijay is diagnosed with a disease because of which he gets high just by drinking cool drinks.

One day because of this he fills in 500 Rs in the tray of 100 Rs. People throng the ATM and withdraw the excess amounts.

Due to this he loses his job and also has a hard time dealing with his family. What happens next forms the rest of the story.



Director N Prakash has done a decent job with the script in hand. While the first half is filled with family drama, the second half is filled with humour.

The way the story is narrated is one of its biggest positives. Vijay Sivan makes a decent debut as the hero. He delivers a neat and convincing performance.

Chandini as his wife has lived in the character and makes her presence felt.

Rest of the cast including Suresh Chakravarthy, Namo Narayanan, Sethu Raman, Kathiravan, and Honest Raj have all done their part well.

Music by Tanju Menon is impressive, especially in the second half. Cinematographer Meiyendhiran’s work is laudable.

Rating: 3.3/5