Will take part in INDIA meet: Kerjiwal

Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party national convener Arvind Kejriwal on Monday said he will attend the meeting of the opposition alliance scheduled to be held by the end of this month in Mumbai.

“Will go to Mumbai. Will share with you the outcome,” Kejriwal told reporters on the sidelines of an event when asked if he would join the upcoming meeting of the opposition parties in Mumbai.

The meeting of the opposition bloc I.N.D.I.A is scheduled to be held on August 31 and September 1 in Mumbai. This will be the third meeting of the bloc forged to take on the BJP-led NDA in the upcoming general election.

According to sources, the Mumbai meeting would be held in the format of the Bengaluru meeting with leaders first conversing in an informal setting on August 31 before the main meeting the next day.

During the meeting, the parties are expected to iron out their differences as much as possible, especially in states where they are in a direct poll battle.