Water bowls distributed by Ladies Circle India

Day 4 RTI Week

Save animal 

Madras Mylapore Round Table 3, Madras Mylapore Ladies Circle 4 in association with Born to win and Airport authority of India (AAI) chennai airport Today distributed Water Bowl  to Central Industrial Security Force (CISF )Officers and Airport colony to ensure stray animals drink clean water. 

Mrs Preeti and Mrs Lata Prakash, HR Professional & Animal activist were chief guest at the event. 

Mrs Lata prakash said, “If you look into the eyes of an animal, you see loyalty, trust, compassion, pain and unconditional love. You don’t have to be an animal lover nor a pet parent to do your small bit in providing the basic food, water and shelter. We need to co exist and that can happen only when we embrace every living being.”

MMLC4 chairperson Shilpa Katrela , MMRT 3 chairman Rahul Chabbria,  Cr. Deepika Madhavan, Varsha Aswani, Born to win were present at the event