Uber announces INR 3.65 Crores emergency Covid relief package

  • The relief package includes free rides to NGOs for emergency response efforts
  • NGO Partners include American India Foundation, Go Dharmic, Project Mumbai and The Good Quest Foundation

Uber today announced an INR 3.65 crores free rides package for supporting emergency COVID relief efforts such as facilitating transportation of life-saving oxygen cylinders, concentrators, ventilators and other critical medical equipment to strengthen India’s healthcare system during a devastating second wave.

Uber’s support is being channeled through partnerships with several NGOs that are specialized in mobilizing emergency assistance to save and sustain lives. 

Earlier in May, Uber launched its first partnership with Go Dharmic, a UK-based NGO, to support their volunteers in responding to COVID emergencies in Delhi NCR and Ahmedabad. Since then, Uber’s mobility network across 90+ Indian cities has allowed Go Dharmic to scale its response across 6 Indian cities including Jaipur, Vadodara, Lucknow and Mumbai, thereby supporting tens of thousands of Indian citizens during their hour of need.

Uber’s association with Go Dharmic has helped provide live-saving oxygen support to 725 people, distribute over 33,000 fresh meals and ration kits, and additionally support 15 COVID care facilities with 1,675 medical packs and 250 hospital beds.

Speaking about the partnership with Uber, Hemal Randerwala, Chairman of Go Dharmic, said, “Uber has helped Go Dharmic to significantly scale up relief efforts in India. Together we have provided much-needed 24/7 support to thousands of affected families and frontline workers during these difficult times. This is truly compassion in action.”

Commenting on the announcement, Prabhjeet Singh, President, Uber India, and South Asia, said, “I’m proud to announce that Uber is committing INR 3.65 Crores in emergency aid for supporting our communities to overcome this  deadly second COVID wave. Our partnerships with NGOs are providing mobility support to their volunteers who are working tirelessly to save lives. It’s heartening to see the country and its citizens come together to fight the pandemic.Uber is committed to using its mobility network to build hope and help save lives!’’

In addition to Go Dharmic, Uber has also inked partnerships with three other NGOs:

  1. American India Foundation: Uber will help transport critical life saving equipment, including ventilators, oxygen concentrators and other medical supplies, to hospitals and emergency care facilities in Delhi.  
  2. Project Mumbai: Uber will join forces with the Mumbai-based award-winning humanitarian organisation to support citizen movement for healthcare emergencies and run dedicated vaccination camps for the vulnerable and the poor in Mumbai. 
  3. The Good Quest Foundation: Uber will support the foundation’s Covid-19 Distress Relief Mission in Bangalore, which includes facilitating free oxygen supplies and supporting Covid positive individuals in vulnerable communities.

In the coming few weeks Uber will identify additional NGOs and support their critical missions with more free rides. 

As part of its larger commitment to help communities recover, Uber will continue supporting India’s ongoing vaccination drive where it has already pledged free rides worth INR 10 Crores for citizens travelling to and from authorized vaccination centres.