Thookudurai Movie Review

Yogi Babu’s latest venture, “Thookudurai,” unfolds with a peculiar mix of absurdity and attempted humor. In the initial 20 minutes, Rajendran, Bala Saravanan, and Sendrayan don suits and groove to ‘Thaaru Maaru Star’, leaving audiences bewildered. Amidst the chaos, Rajendran’s ‘Bond’ Ranga mimics James Bond’s iconic gun barrel sequence, evoking riotous laughter from some and bemusement from others, including myself. It soon became evident that seeking logic in this mindless comedy was futile; I wasn’t the intended audience for “Thookudurai.”

The film’s title holds no relevance to its narrative, a trend that persists throughout the plot’s unfolding. Following a gang of bachelors from Chennai and a band of local villains in pursuit of a coveted crown in the fictional village of Kailasam, the storyline takes its time to establish the conflict, with the entire first half dedicated to exposition. The intermission introduces a feeble attempt at humor with the announcement of ‘Inter-Well,’ a pun that falls flat.

As the characters unite to reclaim the crown, the film leans heavily on punchlines that fail to land effectively. While some elicited laughter from younger audiences, labeling this comedy as juvenile might be too generous. The narrative suffers from convenient writing, with characters conveniently appearing and disappearing as needed, while Yogi Babu’s minimal screen time belies the promotional materials’ promises.

Despite occasional slapstick moments, “Thookudurai” struggles to find its footing, particularly concerning sensitive topics like honor killing, turned into jests. Ineya’s character’s forgiveness of her father’s heinous crime feels contrived, and the murderer’s sudden apology lacks conviction. However, amidst the mediocrity, the film’s dialogue-less slapstick sequences offer fleeting amusement.

“Thookudurai” could have benefited from brevity and a more consistent comedic tone. Moments of genuine humor are overshadowed by inconsistent pacing and tonal shifts. While the film attempts to deliver light-hearted entertainment, its execution falls short, leaving audiences grasping for substance amidst the superficial laughter. In a landscape where simplicity reigns supreme, “Thookudurai” struggles to leave a lasting impression.

Cast: Yogi Babu, Ineya, Marimuthu (late), Namo Narayana, Bala Saravanan, Sendrayan

Director: Dennis Manjunath

