Thandatti movie review


Pasupathi is a cop who gets transferred to Theni after he beats a criminal.

There is a village near  Theni where police do not go as they feel that they cannot handle the villagers.

A young boy from this village comes to the police station to give a complaint about his missing grandmother played by Rohini.

Few other ladies also come to give complaint about their missing mother.

Despite the advice from the other cops not to take up the case, Pasupathi starts investigation only to find that Rohini is dead.

Based on the request on the boy, Pasupathi brings the deadbody to the village.

Meanwhile, the Thandatti (a type of earring) worn by  Rohini goes missing and her relatives threaten Pasupathi to find the missing jewel.

What happens next forms the rest of the story.


Directed by Ram Sangaiah, the movie has a multi-layered story which is complimented by an effective screenplay.

The movie  deals with a heavy subject and the director has handled it in a neat way.

Pasupathy has delivered a seasoned performance as the cop and has understood the various emotions that his character  goes through.

Rohini on the other hand breathes soul into her character and is the lifeline of the movie.

Vivek Prasanna gets a solid role and has done complete justice to his character.

Rest of the cast have delivered what was expected from them.

Though some of the performance look over dramatical, they can be overlooked.

Background score by Sam C S is good and songs by K S Sundaramoorthy are impressive.

Mahesh Muthuswami’s camera has capture the village in a natural manner.

Rating: 3.2/5