Tamil Movie Review

Kadugu Tamil Movie Review

Kadugu Tamil Movie Review

Small but big


Puli Pandi (Rajakumaran), who works as cook for inspector Suriya Prakash (A Venkatesh) in a village, is a soft-spoken poor orphan. He shows much care on people around him.

Nambi (Bharath) is a village head, who is admired for his good deeds. He wants to make it big in politics and waits for the right time to achieve his dream.

One day, Nambi witnesses a chilling crime, which leads to the death of a child. But he chooses to remain a mute spectator, eyeing future benefits.

This shocks Pandi to the core and he takes up the battle for justice. Is he able to achieve his mission or not forms the rest of Kadugu.


Good things come in small packages, they say. Kadugu by cinematographer-turned-director Vijay Milton is one such offering. In a limited budget, it conveys a message which is now the need of the hour for the society.

Rajakumaran performs well and it is on his shoulders that the entire movie travels. Bharath fits the bill well and comes out with right emotions. Others in the cast are right choices.

The film, an emotional drama on crime against women, carries a strong message and character-driven. But at times, it gives melodramatic and preachy. The director could have avoided this.

Arunagiri’s music gels with the theme. Editing by John Abraham and cinematography by Vijay Milton’s camera are sharp and lively, respectively.

Rating: 3 out of 5

Director: Vijay Milton
Music: Anoop Seelin
Cast: Bharath, Rajakumaran, Bharath Seeni, Subiksha, Radhika Prasidhha, Flower A. Manoharan
Pro: John Johnson