Stella Maris College and Arivial Sangam celebrate Sir C.V. Raman’s 138 th Birth Anniversary

Arivial Sangam is the State Unit of Vijnana Bharathi (VIBHA) – Vijnana Bharathi (VIBHA) is a Swadeshi Science Movement started by eminent scientists at Indian Institute of Science (Bengaluru)

Stella Maris College in collaboration with Arivial Sangam, Tamil Nadu State Unit of Vijnana Bharathi (VIBHA) organised an institutional level essay writing competition to celebrate the contribution of freedom fighters and Indian scientists on the occasion of 75 th year of Indian Independence and Sir. C.V. Raman’s 138 th Birth Anniversary.

The competition was conducted on the topics, “Sir C.V. Raman – As we know him” or “The contribution of scientific fraternity in the Indian Freedom Movement.” The entries were submitted in English language and 60 students across various departments participated in the event. Two winners each were awarded cash prizes sponsored by Arivial Sangam, for the first, second and third places. (First prize – Rs.3000, Second prize – Rs.2000 and Third prize – Rs.1000). Ms. Sana Kamal (III year B.A. English) and Ms. R. Mirdhula (III year B.A. History) won the first prize and are invited to be a part of an event organised at Indira Gandhi
Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam.

The event was presided by Dr. Sr. Rosy Joseph fmm, Principal, Stella Maris College. Sr.Principal  distributed the prizes to our students on behalf of Arivial Sangam. Dr. B. Madhan,Senior Principal  Scientist, Centre for Academic and Research Excellence (CARE),CSIR-CLRI, Chennai in his special address spoke about the importance of science and technology in services of building India. He encouraged students to contribute in the field of science and technology to provide solutions to problems that could uplift the society. Dr. A.Tamil Selvi, Senior Principal Scientist, Unit for Science Dissemination, CSRI-CLRI,Chennai in her address highlighted the possibilities available to students in the field of research in sciences.

Arivial Sangam in association with the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam are conducting competitions amongst educational institutions to celebrate our freedom fighters and Indian scientists especially Sir C.V. Raman who won India’s first Nobel Prize in the field of science. Stella Maris College was selected to conduct Institutional level essay writing competition for our students.

Speaking on this occasion, Dr. Shiny John Vairamon, Vice Principal (Shift I), Stella Maris College, stated, “This event is an opportunity provided to young minds to inculcate scientific temper and national patriotism which is the need of the hour for unity and development of our country. Through this competition, the students draw inspiration from our Indian scientists and freedom fighters who have contributed to the Indian Freedom Movement and in the upliftment of the society.”