Stalin launches distribution of Pongal gift hampers

Chief Minister MK Stalin on Wednesday launched the distribution of Pongal gift hampers to rice-card holders. Every rice cardholder of the state will get 1 kg of rice, 1 kg of sugar and Rs 1,000 cash assistance along with one unit of sugarcane.

The chief minister gave away the gift hampers to the rice cardholders in a PDS shop here. During the occasion, the beneficiaries thanked the chief minister for his efforts to provide gift hampers to rice-card holders.

As per the state government’s press release, a total of 2.19 crore rice-card holders and inmates of Sri Lankan refugee camps will receive the Pongal gift hampers.

Additionally, 1.77 crore eligible rice-card holders will be provided with free dhotis and sarees alongside the Pongal gifts.

To streamline the process and to avoid overcrowding at PDS shops, beneficiaries have been assigned tokens specifying a particular date and time for collecting the gifts.