Sri Raghavendra Swamy, Mutt, Triplicane

Mahaan Sri Raghavender “Sapthaha Mahostavam” at ” Dakshina Mantralaya” Nanjangud Sri Raghavendra Swamy, Mutt, Triplicane from 28.02.2025 to 06.03.2025.

Under the instruction of Sri Raghavendra Swamy Mutt Head Sri Sri 1008 Sri Subhuthendra Thertha  Swamy Mahaan Sri Raghavender “Sapthaha Mahostavam” is being celebrated  at  ” Dakshina Mantralaya” Nanjangud Sri Raghavendra Swamy, Mutt, Triplicane.Starting from 28.02.2025 till 06.03.2025 .   06.03.2025 as his Birthday.
Sri Raghavendra Swamigala  404th  Vedantha Samrajya Pattabhishka Day On 01.03.2025 Saturday  Special Sahasra Kalasa Ksheerabhisheka at 8.00 am.
28.02.2025 to 05.03.2015.  Daily different Homams are being performed  at 7.30 AM to 8.30 AM.  Devotees can participate in all the Homams by paying Rs 1000 and Rs 200 for a single Homam.
Kanakabhisheka Maha Pooja will be performed from 1008 Sevarthies at 10.30 AM   on the Vardanthi Utsava (430th  Birthday) of Sri Raghavendra Swamigalu on  06.03.2025 Thursday Devotees are requested to participate in this Maha Pooja and invoke the blessings of Sri Harivayu Gurugalu by paying Rs 1008/= for the above.
On 06.03.2025  at  10. am  Thursday Sri Raghavendra Swamigala Vardanthi Utsava Birth Day   Ekadina Laksha Pushparchana.  Devotees  are requested  to participate and get the blessings by paying Rs 100/= for the above.
Saptaha Sampoorna Seva   =  Rs 1,00,000
Annadhana Seva           =   Rs 50,000
Udayasthamana Seva   =   Rs 30,000
Sampoorna Lakshapushparchanai Seva    =  Rs 25,000
on 06.03.2025
Sampoorna Seva              =   Rs 20,000
Sampoorna  Ksheerabhisheka (Palabishekam) Seva on 01.03.2025  at   8 AM     =   Rs 15,000
Pushpalankara Seva     =   Rs 10,000
Noothana  Vasthra Seva   =    Rs 6,000
Rathna Kavacha Samarpana Seva =   Rs 3,000
Pradhana Ksheera Kalasabhisheka Seva =  Rs 2,500
Kanaka Kavacha Samarpana  Seva  =  Rs 2000
Kanakabhisheka Seva  =    Rs 1,008
Golden Chariot Seva  = Rs 1,000
Maha Pooja = Sarva Seva  =  Rs 800
108 Kalasa  Seva  on  01.03.2025.   = Rs 500
Visesha Unjal Seva   on 2, 3, & 6.03.2025   = Rs 300
Palapanchamruthabisheka / Archana =  Rs 200
Visesha Ekadina  Laksharchanai 06.03.2025  = Rs 100
Details for ONLINE payment / DD / Cheque in favour of
S.B A/C NO. 4882500101881901
Karnataka Bank Limited 
Triplicane  Branch
Chennai 600 005
Devotees  shall send the Transaction Reference, Names, Gothra, Raashi and Nakshatra alongwith  the Names of the Seva and Date,  which they intend  to perform through  SMS or Whatapp  to Mobile  Number 
8277972238  /  6382714944
Annadanam will take place on   01.03.2025 and 06.03.2025  from 11.30 AM to  1.30 PM.
Devarunama Bajans, Upanyasas and Cultural  Programmes will be performed in the Mutt premises  by Eminent Scholars / Musicians  on all Saptaha Days at 6.30 PM onwards.
All the devotees are requested to participate in the “Sapthaha Mahostavam”  and get the blessings of Mahaan Sri Raghavender.
Arrangements for the same are being carried out under the instructions of Sri  Raja L. Sureendeachar
Sri Prashanth, Manager ” Dakshina Mantralaya” Nanjangud Sri Raghavendra Swamy, Mutt, Triplicane and Staffs.