Soundarya Rajinikanth blessed with a baby boy

Soundarya Rajinikanth delivered a healthy baby boy named Veer Rajinikanth Vanangamudi on September 11 at a private hospital in Chennai. The filmmaker took to Twitter to share the happy news with a series of pictures from her pregnancy. Soundarya has an elder son named Ved Krishna.

Soundarya took to Twitter and Instagram to announce the birth of her son. She wrote, “With gods abundant grace and our parents blessings Vishagan,Ved and I are thrilled to welcome Ved’s little brother. VEER RAJINIKANTH VANANGAMUDI today 11/9/22 #Veer #Blessed. thank you to our amazing doctors @sumana_manohar Dr.Srividya Seshadri @SeshadriSuresh3 (sic).”

Soundarya Rajinikanth and Vishagan Vanangamudi got married on February 11, 2019 at The Leela Palace in Chennai.