Sila Nodigalil Movie Review


Richard Rishi is a doctor who lives in London with his wife Amri Poo Geeta.

Meanwhile, he has a illegal relationship with Yashika Anand, a model.

One day Yashika dies when she is with Richard.

He buries the body without the knowlegde of anyone.

But Yashika’s friend comes to know about this and starts blackmailing Rishi.

Richard is caught in a tangle and is not sure about what to do.

What happens next forms the rest of the story.


Richard Rishi, fits the role of a  doctor and handles the character in an effective manner.

Richard has delivered a commendable performance and has shown variety with his emotions.

Ami Poo Geeta is decent as the wife. The way she in which she handles when she comes about her husband’s affair is neatly done.

Yashika Anand is neat as the model who has an affair and does conplete justice to her character.

Cinematographer Abhimanyu Sadanandhan has captured the beauty of London in an effective manner.

Rest of the cast have also done their part well and are impressive.

Masala Kaffi, Bijon Suraro, Darshan.KT, Stuckato and Rohit Mad have worked as the music composers for the movie and the songs are worked out really well.

Director Vinay Bhardwaj  has made the movie based on the affairs.

He has included certain twists which keeps the audience interested with an engaging screenplay.

Rating: 3.3/5