Shoot the Kuruvi movie review


A gangster claims to be a killer to establish himself as a terror person.

Two students enquire about him to a professor who tells his story.

Who is this gangster, what is his story forms the core plot of Shoot the Kuruvi.


Director Mathivanan has shot the movie in six day and the film has come out really well. The non-linear type of screenplay is the major positive of the movie.

The director has maintained the tempo throughout the movie. There is enough twists and turns to keep the audience engaged. The humour is very organic and is sure to connect with the audience.

The performances of the lead artists is what makes the movie lively. Arjai, Suresh Chakravarthi, Aashiq Hussain, Gypsy Nawin and Shiva Sha Ra have all delivered a neat and convicing performance.

Each character has its own impact the actors have delivered what was expected from them. The movie is technically sound top notch cinematography by Brendon Shushanth.

Music by John Beniel, Shrikanth Lakshman and Nyuzaii is good. Editing by K Kamalakannan is crisp and to the point.

Rating: 3.4/5