Pujyasri Dr Prema Pandurang passed away

Pujyasri Dr Prema Pandurang, Krishna Devotee, a renowned spiritual preacher, most eloquent exponent of Hindu scriptures, Managing Trustee of Kshetropasana, is no more passed away on 1st June 2021.  She is 76 years.
Born on 12th June 1945, English  Professor at Presidency College Prema Pandurang was the daughter of Dr  P Nagaraja Rao, a retired professor of Philosophy and hails from a devout family in Tamilnadu.  Dr Prema Pandurang was a professor of English for PG Students in the Presidency College in Chennai for around 2 decades.  She was the founder President of Samskriti ( Home of Culture)  and Kshetropasana Religious and Charitable Trust and the Founder Trust of Shree Chakra Foundation. The Kshetropasana Trust, jointly founded with  Dr P R Krishnakumar to  serve with a noble cause of establishing a unique organisation to revive the values and ideals of Bharatiya Culture in India and abroad.  The  Kshetropasana Trust  in Sriperumbudur encompasses several activities including cow shelter to orphaned cows. Now it has a large number of Cows and the milk obtained from there is being distributed freely to Old Age Home and the remaining is used for the Ashrama inmates. Dr Prema Pandurang was attached to Lord Sri Krishna from her Childhood. She had been giving spiritual discourses on the Puranas and other Holy Scriptures since she was 15.  She has travelled and given Spiritual Discourses.
In the Ashram, there are various temples, the most important one being the one dedicated to Lord Sri Guruvoiruppa, two small  Temples to Lord Sri Ganesha and Devi Mookambiga.  The Trust runs an English Medium School laying stress on faith, morality, love, discipline, moral values. It caters to the students from underprivileged children. Besides, the trust  has on Old Age Home, Sharanagathi, giving peace and shelter to the elders at the fag end of their lives.
The Ashram offers Annadhan, clothes for poor, medical care and Vedha Padasala, Goshala ( Animal Care ). It plans to establish a Drug Bank, a Textile Bank, a youth Group, a Book Bank and a rural development scheme.
Dr Prema Pandurang viewed Hinduism as an external way of life and presents it  with relevance to modern life. She took part in International Conferences in Hague, Prague, Copenhagen, Singapore and Nepal and had conducted spiritual Discourses in more than 30 countries including USA, UAE,  Newzeland, Singapore, Baharain and also throughout India. Her  Discourses were well received.  She  had to her credit more than 300 bhajans in Tamil and Hindhi. She cut across all barriers of religion, age, caste, creed etc with her soul-inspiring discourses.
She took out a Padayatra in support of Ram Mandir Kara Seva, from Sriperumbudur to Srirangam with few Devotees.
Pujyasri Dr Prema Pandurang breached her last on 1st June 2021 Morning.
– T Raghavan –