Private vaccination centres commence administration of precautionary dose

Private vaccination centres on Sunday began the administration of the precautionary “third” dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, also known as the booster dose, for the 18-plus population.

The age cap for the booster shot came at a time when another highly transmissible XE variant of the coronavirus is being reported. However, the official confirmation of the existence of this particular variant is yet to come.

On Saturday, major two manufacturers of the COVID vaccine slashed the vaccine price.

The price of the COVID booster dose has been reduced to ₹ 225, wherein Covishield lowered the amount from ₹ 600 and the Covaxin from ₹ 1,200 per dose.

Notably, the Delhi government has recently scrapped the order of mandatorily wearing face masks in public places.

The Union Ministry of Health on Friday announced the rollout of the precautionary third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine for the 18-plus population at private vaccination centres from April 10.