Over 17 lakh receive Covid vaccines in TN’s mega drive

Tamilnadu inoculated 17.19 lakh people against COVID-19 in the fourth edition of the mega vaccination drive held on Sunday, with 9.68 lakh people receiving the first shot and the remaining 7.51 lakh getting the second, the Health Department has said. The earlier campaigns were held on September 12, 19 and 26.

Over one crore people were vaccinated against COVID-19 in Tamil Nadu in September. The introduction of the mega vaccination drives had led to this increase in the number of people taking jabs, Health Minister Ma. Subramanian said in Tiruchi on Sunday.

A total of 24,882 camps were conducted at various places including primary health centres, government hospitals, anganwadi centres, schools and other public places.

According to a press release from the department, 28.91 lakh people were covered in the first vaccination drive, 16.43 lakh people in the second and 24.85 lakh in the third. State Chief Secretary V Irai Anbu, Minister for Medical and Family Welfare Ma Subramanian, health department principal secretary J Radhakrishnan inspected the vaccination programme in various parts of the State.

Chief Minister M.K.Stalin has already requested Prime Minister Narendra Modi to provide additional 50 lakh doses of Covid vaccines to the State every week to cover the eligible uncovered population by 31 October.