More than eight lakh people are over due for second dose of vaccine in Chennai

Despite the high number of COVID-19 vaccine doses given to persons who are due for their second doses, more than 8.34 lakh persons have missed their due date in the city.

According to data, more than 6.12 lakh persons are yet to get their Covishield second doses as of Monday despite the actual due getting elapsed. Similarly, more than 2.22 lakh persons have missed their due date for Covaxin second dose.
Of the 6.12 lakh persons who missed their Covishield second doses, 3.13 lakh persons should have received their shots more than six weeks ago.
Also, around 1.48 lakh persons missed their due date by less than two weeks. As per the government norms, a second dose should be administered after 84 days, which is 12 weeks.
Similarly, of the 2.22 lakh persons who missed their Covaxin second dose, 1.34 lakh persons should have taken their second doses more than six weeks ago. Also, around 37,500 persons have missed their due date by less than two weeks. Covaxin second dose should be taken four weeks after taking the first dose.
Meanwhile, Chennai Corporation data suggests that currently, the number of persons taking second doses is higher than the number of persons taking first doses. During the mega vaccination camp conducted on Saturday, the civic body administered 2.03 lakh doses of which 1.26 lakh were second doses. Only around 77,000 were first doses.