Moothakudi – Movie Review

In a cinematic landscape saturated with narratives that often romanticize the indulgence in alcohol, emerges a film that boldly takes a stand against this societal ill. This cinematic gem unfolds its narrative against the rustic canvas of a village, delving into the haunting repercussions of communal drinking. The narrative commences with a chilling flashback, unraveling the tragic deaths of several villagers who succumbed to the pitfalls of excessive liquor consumption.

At the helm of this poignant tale is veteran actress K. R. Vijaya, portraying the matriarch of a family grappling with the aftermath of losing multiple male members in the tragic incident. The central character, Anvisha, played by the celebrated daughter of the family, becomes the torchbearer for Prakash Chandra, while Tarun Gopi harbors aspirations of winning her affections. Amidst the unfolding drama, a comedic subplot featuring two former filmmakers, R. Sundarrajan and Singam Puli, adds levity to the narrative but falls short of fulfilling its potential.

The narrative takes a darker turn with the introduction of Raj Kapoor, a former director turned actor who assumes the role of the antagonist with sinister intentions of establishing an alcohol factory. Tarun Gopi becomes ensnared in Kapoor’s web, setting the stage for a gripping final confrontation. However, it is Anvisha who emerges as the unexpected hero, executing a clever maneuver that not only surprises those in the story but also captivates the audience.

The filmmaker’s noble objective to shed light on the detrimental consequences of alcohol consumption is undeniably praiseworthy. In the concluding sequences, Tarun Gopi delivers a compelling performance, effectively portraying the internal struggle and eventual redemption of his character. As the credits roll, the film stands as a testament to the power of cinema to challenge societal norms and advocate for positive change, marking a significant departure from the prevalent narratives that often glamorize the culture of alcohol.

Cast – Tarun Gopi, Prakash Chandra, Anvisha, Raj Kapoor, R. Sundararajan, Singam Puli and K. R. Vijaya

Produced by – The Sparkland,Written and Directed by – Ravi Bhargavan
