Modi lashes out at opposition for disruption Parliament sessions

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday renewed his attack on the opposition, once again accusing it of not allowing the Parliament’s monsoon session to function.

At a meeting of BJP MPs this morning he declared that the repeated adjournments forced by a vociferous opposition are “an insult to Parliament… the constitution… to democracy and to the public”.

This is the second time in a week the Prime Minister has lashed out at the opposition over fierce protests in both the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha over a number of issues, including the Pegasus phone-hacking row, the government’s handling of the pandemic, and the farmers’ protest.

Last week the Prime Minister singled out the Congress and asked MPs to “expose the party before the public and the media”. He also accused the Congress of spurning attempts at resolving an impasse that has seen little, if any, work conducted in this session of Parliament.

The Prime Minister’s attack comes as Congress MP Rahul Gandhi led a breakfast meeting of 15 opposition parties in Delhi today, after which they plan to cycle to Parliament and hold a mock session outside to draw the public’s attention to their concerns.