Liquor sales in TN crosses Rs 700 crore this Deepavali

Liquor sales in Tamil Nadu crossed Rs 700 crore during the last three days starting from Saturday.

Sources from Tamil Nadu State Marketing Corporation (Tasmac), the monopoly agency in selling liquor in the State stated that the exact revenue during the last three days starting from Saturday till Monday was Rs 708.29 crore.

A senior official from Tasmac also added that on Deepavali day alone, sales of liquor touched Rs 244.08 with Madurai region topping the list by getting a revenue of Rs 154 crore followed by Tiruchy, which got Rs 140 crore on the same day.

According to the official, in Chennai region, sales touched Rs 139 crore on Deepavali. Coimbatore region also sold liquor to the tune of Rs 133 crore during the same period.

The official also pointed out that the sales would have crossed Rs 800 crore if bars attached to Tasmac had functioned since several liquor bars were closed due to the non-finalisation of the tender process in several districts.