JP Nadda takes a strong dig against dynasty politics of DMK and Congress

BJP national president JP Nadda in Coimbatore on Tuesday took a strong dig at the dynasty politics of the DMK and Congress.

Kick starting the party’s poll campaign for Lok Sabha election in Tamil Nadu, the BJP leader said DMK is not a regional party, but a family party, which has nothing to do with regional aspirations of people.

“The nation is in safe hands, but Tamil Nadu is not in safe hands. For DMK, D is for dynasty, M for money swindling and K for katta panchayat. The BJP is here to serve and take care of people, but DMK is to ruin and take care of their family, which does not include brothers and sisters, but only Karunanidhi and his family,” he said.

Taking further pot shots, Nadda said for DMK, taking care of themselves is first priority, party is secondary and nation is last.

“The nation is not only last, but also lost with them. But for BJP, the nation is first, party is second and self is last. The BJP is there to unite, but the DMK is there to divide. What is the difference between DMK and Congress? DMK is Karunanidhi and sons, while Congress is Gandhi and sons. They are all family dynastic parties,” he said.

On the Bharat Jodo Yatra taken by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, Nadda said, it couldn’t be understood whether he is trying to unite or divide people. “The Congress has been involved in vote bank politics, divide and rule policy and appeasement politics. It is trying to see one section of the society stand against the other,” he said.

Claiming that other countries, including China and America were struggling in their fight against COVID-19, Nadda said, the Chinese president’s zero COVID-19 policy has gone and the US is unable to vaccinate their people. “But India has administered 220 crores of double dose of Covid vaccine with booster doses and the country is prepared to fight out coronavirus. India gave vaccines to 100 countries and exported it free to 48 countries,” he added, while also listing out the various welfare schemes introduced by the central government.

Stating that it took long for India to get medicines for tuberculosis, tetanus and smallpox, Nadda said, however after Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to power, India made not one, but two indigenous vaccines for Covid-19 within nine months, he noted.