ISRO’s EOS-03 not accomplished fully due to performance anomaly : ISRO

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)’s mission to place its Earth Observation Satellite EOS-03 “could not be accomplished fully” because of an anomaly, the space agency said after the launch early this morning.

The GSLV-F10/EOS-03 lifted off lifted off from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota at 5.43 am today after a 26-hour countdown.

But shortly afterwards, it was announced in the Mission Control Centre by the Range Operations Director “mission could not be accomplished fully due to performance anomaly”.

“Performance anomaly observed in the cryogenic stage. The mission could not be accomplished fully,” said ISRO.

The EOS-03 is a state-of-the-art agile Earth observation satellite, placed in a Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit by GSLV-F10, is meant to help in quick monitoring of natural disasters like cyclones, cloudbursts and thunderstorms.

“A 4 metre diameter Ogive-shaped payload fairing is being flown for the first time in this GSLV flight. This is the fourteenth flight of GSLV,” ISRO had said on the launch.