International Conference on “Mental Health – A Holistic approach” 6-8 February 2023
The International Conference on “Mental Health a Holistic Approach” is organized by Department of Psychology, Madras School of Social Work, Egmore, Chennai-8. The Inaugural function was held on 6 th ,10.30 am at MSSW campus. It was initiated with the welcome address by Dr. S. Raja Samuel, Principal, MSSW followed by the Head of the Department Dr. Subasree Vanamali who introduced about the conference theme as an Organizing Secretary followed by, Presidential Address by Chairman Mr. K.A. Mathew IASRtd., MSSW by mentioning about Platinum Jubilee year of MSSW and wished the conference grand success. The Honorable Vice chancellor of University of Madras, Prof. Dr.S. Gowri was the Chief guest and delivered the Inaugural address to commence the 3 days International Conference and the Special Guest Commissioner of Rural development Dr.DarezAhamed, IAS delivered the special address. The Chief Guest mentioned in his talk about the concerns and challenges of mentally unwell person and their caretakers by illustrating live examples from his own experiences, he also said that the stigma towards seeking help for mental health is even now high among Indians, which requires change in mindset of people to work on better life with happiness and wellbeing. The commissioner mentioned the significance of mental health professionals in the promotion of awareness on prevention and intervention among the public and how community health needs to be prioritized for healthy living. The Special guest Dr. AssumptaAneas Faculty of Education, University of Barcelona joined via. Zoom in the Inaugural and in her address, she was explaining about the challenges in facing discrimination in education and intercultural competences. Dr. Subashini, Dean, MSSW briefed about the new project initiative of Center for Excellence of Health Psychology, currently headed by Dr. Priscilla Sathianathan and the project is on Mental Health concerns among adolescents in Chennai Schools. Followed by Vote of thanks by Dr. Hannah John, Program Head, MSc Family Counselling. The conference has topics related to current trends and needs pertinent to mental health and covers the entire life span across settings. The eminent resource person from Psychology, Psychiatry, Medicine, Education and Economics are part of this conference. National and International Invited speakers and participants are from USA, Spain, Australia, South Africa , New Zealand and China are joining us via. Zoom also. The three days conference started with pre- conference workshop on 5 th Feb 2023 on CBT by Dr. kadhiravan, COE &HoD Dept. of Psychology, Periyar University and Psychodrama by Magdalene Jayrarathnam , East-West center for Counselling. The International conference is hosting 500 participants namelystudents, scholars, professionals and academicians across globe.