India reports 43,733 fresh coronavirus cases

India reported 43,733 new coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours, quite higher than Saturday’s 34,703, and added 930 deaths. Over 4.4 lakh deaths have been recorded in the country since the pandemic began early last year.

Active Covid cases have declined to 4.59 lakh in India – the infections are going down each day. Active cases constitute 1.5 per cent of total infections.

Over 47,000 patients recovered in the last 24 hours taking total recoveries so far to over 2.97 crore. Daily recoveries continue to outnumber the new infections for the 55th consecutive day.

The recovery rate has now increased to 97.18 per cent. The daily positivity rate is at 2.29 per cent – less than 3 per cent for 16 straight days in a major sign of relief. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared Covid positivity rate below 5 per cent to be within the safe zone.