India reports 1.14 lakh fresh cases

India’s Covid chart continued to improve today with the country recording 1.06 lakh cases, a drop of 12 per cent from yesterday’s 1.14 lakh infections that were reported to be the lowest in two months. The country’s caseload now stands at 2.89 crore.

The All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) in Delhi will conduct clinical trials of Covaxin on children from today, sources have said. The clinical trials are taking place amid concerns by experts that children could be majorly affected in the possible third wave of the virus.

Meanwhile the Delhi government – which has run out of Covaxin stocks – has asked private hospitals and nursing homes not to administer Bharat Biotech’s COVID-19 vaccine to those who are coming in for their first jab. So far 56,51,226 doses have been administered in the city, including 12,84,000 people who have been fully vaccinated.

Several states, including Maharashtra, have announced cautious steps towards restarting activities after over a month following a dip in Covid cases. But others like Haryana and Sikkim have announced their Covid-induced lockdowns will continue till June 14.