India criticises UN’s decision to roll over Inter-Governmental Negotiations

India has criticised the UN General Assembly’s decision to roll over the Inter-Governmental Negotiations on Security Council reform to the next UNGA session, terming it a “wasted opportunity” to instill a breath of life into a process that has shown no signs of life or growth in over four decades.

The 193-member UN General Assembly on Tuesday adopted a draft oral decision on Security Council reform, rolling over the Inter-Governmental Negotiations (IGN) process to the 77th session of the UN General Assembly that begins in September this year.

Charge d’Affaires at the Permanent Mission of India to the UN Ambassador R Ravindra said India has been consistent in its position that the roll-over decision of the IGN simply cannot be reduced to a “mindless technical exercise.”

“We see this technical roll-over decision as yet another wasted opportunity to instill a breath of life into a process that has shown no signs of life or growth in over four decades,” he said.

He asserted that it is now apparent that in its “current form and modalities – that is, without application of the GA Rules of Procedure, without an official record of proceedings, and without a single negotiating text – the IGN could well go on for yet another 75 years without any progress whatsoever in the direction of genuine reform.”