India battles fresh covid-19 surge; 640 new cases

In a concerning development, India witnessed a spike in COVID-19 cases with 640 new infections reported on Friday, pushing the active cases to 2,997.

The total COVID-19 tally in the country now stands at a staggering 4.50 crore (4,50,07,212), with the death toll reaching 5,33,328.

A new fatality was reported from Kerala, adding to the nationwide alarm, and prompting a thorough review of preparedness to combat the deadly virus.

The surge in COVID-19 cases has triggered nationwide alerts, prompting a comprehensive review of the country’s readiness to tackle the outbreak.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare reported 265 new active cases in Kerala, along with one death on December 21st.

The nation’s recovery rate stands at an encouraging 98.81%, with 4,44,70,887 individuals having successfully recuperated.