Enjoy festivals, but wear masks, says Modi in Mann Ki Baat

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Sunday (December 25), hosted the 96th episode of his monthly radio program Mann Ki Baat.

The Prime Minister’s monthly radio show is usually released in the last week of every month. This episode, the last for 2022, began at 11 am, PM Modi spoke about various topics such as rising Coronavirus cases globally, and asked Indians to remain alert and follow precautions.

Along with that, he also spoke about former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee as it is his birth anniversary today. He praised the late revered politician for taking India to “newer heights” in sectors such as – education, foreign policy, and infrastructure.

Speaking about the recent alarm and concern in India about Covid, he said, “We are seeing that Covid cases are rising in many countries in the world. We need to remain careful & wear masks & wash our hands.”

He further advised people to celebrate festivals with caution. He said, “Enjoy these festivals a lot, but be a little cautious too. If we are careful, then we will also be safe and there will be no hindrance in our enjoyment. With this, once again many best wishes to all of you.”

In the last episode of Mann Ki Baat for the year, he said, “Former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee took India to newer heights in every sector including education, foreign policy and the field of infrastructure.”