‘Election’ Movie Review

“Election”: A Gripping Look at Grassroots Politics, Despite Room for Growth

“Election” brings together the talents of director Thamizh, known for his politically charged works, and actor Vijay Kumar, of the “Uriyadi” series. This collaboration delves into the fascinating world of local body elections, a subject rarely explored in Tamil cinema.

The film opens with a powerful voiceover by Sasikumar, setting the stage for a dramatic bar brawl involving Vijay Kumar’s character, Nadarasan. We learn his backstory – the carefree son of a party worker – and how a series of events thrust him into the political arena. This journey highlights the significant challenges of maintaining integrity in a world of ambition and power plays.

“Election” shines in its realistic portrayal of grassroots politics. It delves into the complexities of smaller elections, where victories hold immense weight for some (representing caste and class pride) and represent a fight for rights and change for others. The film doesn’t shy away from the role money plays in the electoral process, offering a grounded view.

One of the film’s strengths lies in its portrayal of the human cost of elections. A poignant scene explores the impact results have on a candidate’s partner, offering a rare glimpse into the personal side of politics.

While the film tackles caste politics head-on, there are moments where it feels like a surface exploration. Additionally, the inclusion of commercial elements like songs can distract from the core message. The large cast, although necessary for the narrative, can leave the audience feeling overwhelmed, despite the film’s concise runtime.

However, “Election” boasts impactful dialogue with memorable lines that resonate deeply. Director Thamizh injects unique touches .Vijay Kumar delivers a strong performance as the conflicted idealist. However, his character’s passive role at times leaves you wanting a more assertive protagonist driving the narrative forward.

Overall, “Election” is a thought-provoking exploration of local body politics, offering valuable insights despite a few missed opportunities. It’s a film with commendable strengths and the potential to spark important conversations.


