Court convicts Nirmala Devi in MKU sex racket case

A private college’s former Assistant Professor Nirmala Devi, the primary accused involved in luring students into giving sexual favours for higher officials at the Madurai Kamaraj University in 2018, was convicted by the Fast Track Mahila court in Srivilliputhur on Monday.

The other two accused involved in the case including MKU Assistant professor Murugan and research student Karupasamy were acquitted of their charges for lack of evidence.

According to the sources, Nirmala was convicted under five sections including the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act.

Following the request made by her counsel to make arguments regarding the conviction, Judge T Bagavathi Ammal said that the conviction details including years of imprisonment will be pronounced on Tuesday noon.

In 2018, the suspended Assistant Professor Nirmala Devi from Devanga Arts college in Aruppukottai was arrested by the Aruppukottai Town police in April following a complaint by the college’s secretary Ramasamy, who alleged that some girls from the institute was lured by Nirmala into offering sex for gain.