Calcutta High Court transfers Birbhum case to CBI

 The Central Bureau of Investigation has been told to take over the case of eight people burnt alive in West Bengal’s Birbhum. The Calcutta High Court transferred the case to the CBI after denying a request by the Mamata Banerjee government to not hand over the investigation to the central agency.

Eight people – all women and children – were beaten and burnt alive by a mob on Tuesday.

A Special Investigation Team formed by the Bengal government will now hand over the case to the CBI. A division bench of the Calcutta High Court comprising Chief Justice Prakash Shrivastava and Justice R Bharadwaj told the CBI to file a progress report by April 7.

A team of the Central Forensic Science Laboratory are at the crime scene, collecting samples and evidence.

Banerjee has said the suspects would be hunted down if they did not surrender. Battling a furious political backlash over the savage killings and accused by the opposition BJP of condoning political violence, the Chief Minister also alleged that “something big” was behind the incident.