CAG report points out wasteful expenditure of Rs 14.37 crore by police dept

The CAG report has pointed out the wasteful expenditure of Rs 14.37 crore by delaying the implementation of projects for the modernisation of the police force and also the audit report alleged that about Rs 74.03 crore of funds granted by the central government of India remained unutilised.

The contract for design, supply, installation and testing for implementation of association of public safety communication officials (APCO) network in Chennai and Tiruchy was awarded to a single bidder in July 2017 at a cost of Rs 83.46 crore, with scheduled completion within 150 days (February 2018). The contractor procured the end user equipment for Rs 66.12 crore for Chennai and completed the installation with a delay of seven months. They could not complete the field test till July 2021 and network coverage was not satisfactory. Hence, the department did not release any payment to the contractor. Out of the government of India released fund of Rs 29.49 crore, expenditure towards spectrum charges for equipment procured for Chennai was Rs 14.37 crore and the balance amount of Rs 15.12 crore was unutilised.

Despite the non-utilisation of grant amount received from GoI for two projects, the government of Tamil Nadu wrongfully furnished in July 2018 the utilization certificate to GoI for Rs 74.03 crore, thus violating norms.