Broken Script Movie Review

Produced under the banner of Streetlight Pictures, this film is the brainchild of Joe Giovanni Singh, who not only wrote and directed it but also took on the lead role. While the ideas conceived by the writer-director are commendable, the challenge lies in effectively translating these concepts onto the cinematic canvas.

Nevertheless, the effort put into the project deserves recognition, particularly due to the appealing core plot. Primarily set in Singapore, the film delves into two main themes: the illicit trade of human organs and the exploitation of vulnerable travelers by certain unscrupulous employees working in travel agencies. These employees take advantage of the fact that these customers and their families are embarking on journeys, attempting to strip them of their belongings.

A standout character named Singapore Rajini, played by an actor who truly steals the scenes, adds depth to the narrative. The film also playfully references MGR’s Nalai Naadhey, adding a touch of light-heartedness.

Joe Giovanni Singh impresses in a multifaceted role, juggling various responsibilities with finesse. The cinematography by Saleem Bilal Jitesh beautifully captures the essence of Singapore, offering audiences a captivating view.

The film boasts a cast including Rio Raj, Joe Giovanni Singh, Moonila, Jaineesh, Gunalan, and more, each contributing to the overall tapestry of the story.
