Assam police on high alert over possible strikes by ISI and Al-Qaeda

The Assam Police have sounded an alert over possible terror strikes by Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and terror outfit al-Qaeda over alleged persecution of Muslims in the state.

A circular issued by the Assistant Inspector General of Police (Law and Order) on Saturday said the alert has been issued following reports received from the Special Branch of the state police.

The circular said the ISI is planning to target “individuals including Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) cadres and army areas in Assam and other places in India’.

There is also a “threat from global terror outfits to indulge in spectacular action by resorting to explosion of bombs/ IEDs in places of mass gathering/ mass transport/ religious places, etc”.

Another input quoted in the circular said the al-Qaeda has called for “jihad in Assam and Kashmir”.

The circular further said the general secretariat of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has released a statement regarding the Dhalpur eviction drive in Assam’s Darrang district, which had claimed the lives of two persons.