Arrtham is new age genre based film, written and directed by Manikanth Thalaguti and produced by Radhika Srinivas, starring Master Mahendran, Shraddha Das, Ajay, Nandha Durairaj, Amani, Sahithi and many…

Starring Venkatesh  Santhosh Prathap  Bhavya Trikha Crew: Produced by Dhuvaraga Studios  Written & Directed by Dhinesh Palanivel  Music – Prashant Pillai  DOP – Jayanth Sethu Mathavan  Edit – Deepak S Dwaraknath Art –…

Dive into the Captivating World  of #Adhi Presenting, the #OOJMotionPoster ▶️ *vrcs