Producer Koneru Sathyanarayana says, “With our post production work happening on full swing, the dubbing commenced on February 07, 2020 with Harish Kalyan being a part of it. Personally, I am so happy and satisfied with the way, this film is shaping up. Especially, the efficiency of director Kaarthikk Sundar has impressed me a lot. I am confident that he will be a boon to the producers for his future projects. Remaking a super hit film that has already found a big reach beyond the linguistic and regional factors isn’t an easy thing. In fact, he had an additional responsibility of modifying the script to suit the regional tastes of Tamil audiences and has done it perfectly. As concerned with the artistes, both the lead actors – Harish Kalyan and Priya Bhavani Shankar have given new and rejuvenated life to the roles they have performed. This is a character driven film and both have made it look more alive. It was pretty evident with the video rushes I saw and am excited to see the final product, which I am confident will be more colorful and fresh.”
Produced by Mr. Koneru Satyanarayana of A Studios LLP and A Havish Pictures and production duties is being executed by SP Cinemas, this film tentatively titled as “Production No.2” is directed by Kaarthikk Sundar, a former associate of Vijay. Vishal Chandrasekhar is composing music for this film, the cinematography is being handled by Krishnan Vasant, the project is being coordinated by Murali Krishna. With the makers planning to release the film for summer 2020, the official announcement on film’s first look, audio and trailer will be announced shortly.