Uttar Pradesh government announces night curfew from 11pm to 5 am from Saturday

A night curfew has been announced in Uttar Pradesh – from 11 pm to 5 am, starting tomorrow (Saturday) – amid growing concern over the spread of the Omicron coronavirus variant.

In addition, UP also said only 200 people could attend marriages and social functions, at which all necessary Covid-safety protocols must be followed. Government sources said Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath also asked all shopkeepers and traders to follow the “no mask, no goods” policy.

Officials have also been asked to ensure that all those arriving in UP from abroad, and other states, are tested for Covid, with particular attention to be paid to railway and bus stations.

Poll-bound UP becomes the second state, after Madhya Pradesh, to impose night-time restrictions.

Yesterday Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Chouhan said a night curfew of 11 pm to 5 am would be enforced effective immediately. The state hasn’t yet recorded an Omicron Covid case.

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