Unchartered movie review


Nathan Drake and Sam make an attempt to steal the Magellan’s map from the museum and as they get caught, Sam leaves his brother in the orphanage after giving him an ancestral belonging to him.

The movie then takes a leap of 15 years and illustrates the enthralling life of Nathan Drake as a charming bartender and a conman who pick-pockets from rich patrons.

Twist in the tale comes when Nathan encounters Victor Sullivan who introduces himself as a treasure hunter and an acquaintance of Nathan’s brother, Sam and urges him to accompany him to find the lost treasure of Magellan.

In order to look for his brother Sam, Nathan partners with Sully on the treasure hunt. What happens next forms the rest of the story.


This thrilling adventure is an adaptation of a video game series of the same name. Director Fleischer brings his own mood to the franchise without losing out on its essence.

Holland and Wahlberg share a great chemistry which the movie all the more enjoyable. Tom Holland shows his expertise as an action hero and uses his immersive Parkour stunts to wow the audience.

Humour has also works out well. Thought the film is promoted as an action flick, it is filled with various emotions. Sofia Ali, Gabriel Ali and Antonio Banderas have done their part to perfection.

The dubbing and dialogues in Tamil make it an interesting watch.

Despite the logical loopholes in the movie, the VFX is sure to impress the audience.

Rating: 3.2/5

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