TN government releases GO to grant ex gratia of Rs 50,000 to kin of Covid victims

The Tamil Nadu government issued a Government Order (GO) to grant ex gratia of Rs 50,000 to the kin of COVID victims. The funds will be given from the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF).

The order states, “Rs 50,000 per deceased person, including those involved in relief operations or associated in preparedness activities, subject to the cause of the death being certified as COVID-19 as per guidelines jointly issued by the Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare and Indian Council of Medical Research.” However, those who have been given ex gratia for COVID death under the Chief Minister’s Public Relief Fund (CMPRF)—Rs 25 lakh for frontline workers, Rs 5 lakh for children who lost both parents, Rs 3 lakh for single parents—would not be eligible to receive the Rs 50,000 ex gratia.

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